bangkok - doha - zurich : March 26, 09

we left kati's home at 3 pm. too early i guess. the traffic was not jammed so it took only an hour to get there. we were the first group to be there. we looked for something to eat, walked around, took photos and sat watching people..

..sitting, waiting and watching people ..
at suwannabhum airport, checking in at qatar counter.

waiting to board the plane. in a minute, we were leaving thailand.
..time to get into the plane..

inside the plane. the seats were pretty tiny. but they were fine for me.

..leaving bangkok... sea of bangkok night light ..

our first dinner on the plane served by qatar air.

and it was time for movies after late dinner. my first movie on the plane was twilight. good one!

arrived doha international airport at 2 am. thailand time. the weather in doha was pretty the same as in bangkok, just a little bit colder and a wee bit windier.
after 6 hours on the plane, we transited at doha international airport. the wc looked so nice and comfy. i like to keep collection of it. (and from now on, you will see different kinds of wc along the trip. enjoy!)
leaving the toilet, i walked around taking some pictures. in 2 hours, we were going to get in the plane again and this time it was from doha to zurich.
i like to take pictures of


buildings/ places



and signs.

mommy joon, armed with pillow and blanket, was looking for a place to take a rest at doha airport.
p'tang still looked happy and joyful. but wait! the wine hadn't kicked her yet.. wait until she arrived lucerne!

..p'tang and joon infront of the canteen in doha international airport...

at 1.30 am (doha time), we got into another plane again. this time, i could sleep deeply and no more movie until it was time for breakfast.

we were still flying when the sky was light with warm morning sunshine. around 6.00 am, breakfast was served. it was fritata, with cheese, mushroom, sausage, omelet, croisant, banana cupcake, orange juice, fruit and coffee or tea. not so yummy if compare to thai food but still bearable, as it was still the first day..

as still having few hours on the plane before it landed in zurich airport, i dug out my journal to write morning page. highly pleased that it was very quiet and i was not interrupted while doodling. other passengers were still sleeping soundly (i could hear an elderly couple sitting on the seats behind me snored a little bit loudly !)

here, we were flying above zurich at 6.30 am. it was cloudy and raining when we approached zurich.

as the plane touched the land, i heard the captain announced the temperature. it was 7 C! switzerland greeted us with light rains and cold breeze with chilly temperature. pretty cold, huh?
..... hello switzerland! ....